Run the Storm
George Foy
Run the Storm:
A Savage Hurricane, a Brave Crew, and the Wreck of the SS El Faro
(Scribner, 2018)
An intriguing mystery, the story of the SS El Faro, a huge American cargo ship that sank during a category 4 hurricane in the Bermuda Triangle in 2015, asks the question: how on earth could this happen? The ship and its navigation equipment were up-to-date, the crew was experienced, and they had been warned about the storm. Could the tragic loss of crew and cargo have been caused by something as simple as worn rubber gaskets? Yes, but a multitude of other factors contributed and are detailed in this powerful, suspenseful tale.
8:30 AM | Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing at Beebe Healthcare
George Michelsen Foy, creative writing teacher, author and a recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts fellowship in fiction, has had articles, reviews, and stories published in Rolling Stone, The New York Times and Men's Journal.